Biofield Tuning with Light Therapy


Biofield Tuning sessions - working with coherent sound via the tuning forks to work through the energy field to bring it to a balanced state. The light therapy component is the SpectroChrome Laser (developed by Kimberly Schipke). It employs the power of green light to bring the body into a neutral state. This is a special Biofield tuning session that also supports the integration of the work being done with the sound. The green laser stimulates the rebuilding of muscles and tissues, destroys microorganisms, germs, bacteria; cleanses and prevents decay. I also use Euphoralite stones during my sessions. These stones are from the Black Hills of South Dakota and have special properties that enhance the tuning sessions.

Go here for more info about Biofield tuning sessions

Sonic Meridian Flush with Light Therapy: 60 min


60 minutes of body work with weighted forks activating the energy flow through different meridian points. Great session to schedule after a deep tissue massage or any other time one wants to stimulate deep relaxation. In person only. Spectrachrome green laser is used during the session.

Sonic Meridian Flush with Light Therapy: 90 min


90 minutes of body work with weighted forks activating the energy flow through different meridian points. Great session to schedule after a deep tissue massage or any other time one wants to stimulate deep relaxation. In person only.


Buy 3 in a package and get 10% off!

3 Session Package

If you are interested in buying you own Spectrochrome laser, please see the link below.