During a Biofield Tuning session, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner activates a tuning fork and scans the body slowly beginning from a distance. The practitioner is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client's energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area he/she continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot. Research suggests the body's organizational energy uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to "tune" itself.  In short order, the dissonance resolves and the sense of resistance gives way. This appears to correspond to the release of tension with the body. 

Practitioners work with the "Biofield Anatomy Map", a compilation of Biofield Tuning's founder, Eileen McKusic’s 20+ years of biofield observations and also based on many older schools of medicine like Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Areas of dissonance can be pinpointed to a specific age and type which is determined by the structure of the energy field and how memories are stored there. For example, one might find a strong sense of sadness at age 12 or birth trauma at the outer edge of the biofield.

The sound input from the forks helps the body digest and integrate unprocessed experiences.  As the biofield dissonance subsides, clients generally report feeling "lighter" and a diminishment or resolution of their symptoms.

Some conditions respond very well to Biofield Tuning, others not so much. Many practitioners integrate Biofield Tuning with  tools from other modalities; not everyone practices Biofield Tuning in the exact same way.


Tuning sessions with me incorporate some other tools that help support the integration of the work with the sound.

Everything in the universe is a vibration. Both sound and light are vibrations.

Sound is the lower harmonic of light and Light is the higher harmonic of sound. It all emanates from the One.

I work with the SpectroChrome Laser which employs green light and is based on the research from the early 1900’s of Dinshah P. Ghadiali which he termed, “Spectro-chrome metry”. Green, being in the middle of the color spectrum, is neither hot or cold and it’ effects are experienced as bringing people into a neutral state. While working with the sound of the forks in the Biofield, we bring up moments of of disturbance from a clients time line and the green laser helps to ground and process the experience so that their is no longer a reactive charge based on the past. It helps to clear out old stories and beleif systems that are no longer serving the client in this present moment.

The third and very special tools in my Biofield tuning sessions are the is the Field set of Euphoralite stones. It is a set of 11 Euphoralite stones. The stones that are used in a session will change per session and client. I choose the stones that are most optimal for that session using a dowsing technique called Personal Wavelength (This comes from my BioGeometry training). These are very powerful stones with rare combinations of minerals and it is only found in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

So to wrap up, I use a combination of sound, light, and earth TOGETHER to facilitate the tuning session with my clients.
