Are there and Contraindications?


  • Detox pathways are often too compromised and the body doesn’t have the resources to manage the process

  • Detox can be severe

  • Tumors seem to be irritated by tuning

  • Terminal illness

    • Body systems are compromised and do not have capacity to digest energy

    • Detox can be severe

  • End-of-life

    • Tuning forks are too strong for the system

    • Detox can be severe

  • Pregnancy

    • Could potentially send client into detox

    • Risk for miscarriage

  • Pacemaker or other implanted electronic medical devices

    • Tuning forks could interfere with these devices

  • Recent concussions

    • Brain is swollen and takes a while for inflammation to resolve

    • Wait at least 3 months before doing a tuning on the head, 6 months is even better

  • Morbid obesity

    • Not necessarily contraindicated, but can create profound detox

    • Suppressed emotions held in fat cells

Biofield Tuning is cumulative; every session builds on the one prior to it. Like chiropractic trains the bones to find their balanced relationship, Biofield Tuning trains the magnetic/electric system of the body to flow in a balanced, rhythmically harmonious way.

If a person has had long-term, extreme, non-beneficial inputs, it will take longer to achieve balance. Younger people respond more quickly than older people

Generally, a minimum of three sessions is recommended to begin. Often, a presenting symptom can be cleared within three sessions. If there is no change in a condition after three sessions then it is likely that Biofield Tuning will not be able to help with that particular condition.

Many Biofield Tuning Practitioners have reported that clients with conditions such as Parkinson's, MS and diabetes have experienced relief in symptoms via Biofield Tuning treatments.

Please note, although Biofield Tuning works well for these conditions, DO NOT receive Biofield Tuning if you have cancer, are terminally ill, are pregnant, or have a pacemaker. To see a full list of conditions that are contraindicated with Biofield Tuning please see the CONTRAINDICATIONS category at the top of this page.

Biofield Tuning recipients may experience a "detox response" after a session. This is completely normal and means the body is releasing stress and trauma. Generally, these symptoms pass within 1-3 days.

The following are possible symptoms of detox:

  • Fatigue

  • Waves of emotions – crying, being angry, sad

  • Loose stools

  • Exhaustion

  • Headaches and/or dizziness

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • In very rare instances - skin rashes, mucus, fevers, vomiting, excessive thirst

If you are having a detox response from your Biofield Tuning session - especially if it is an extreme response - we highly recommend that you contact your Practitioner. They will be able to support you through your detox and schedule another session to help move it through.